Courtney N. Reed

Lecturer in Digital Technologies at Loughborough University London.


Hello, I’m Courtney~

I am a researcher, educator, and musician.

My research focuses on the roles and dynamic relationships between people, technology and the world around us. My goal is to uncover how we experience and understand interaction with our senses and bodies and how this can inform design.

As a musician, I am especially interested in the role technology has in human creativity.

As a singer, I use my experience of my own voice and performance to motivate my research.

My work has centred around the interaction and relationship vocalists have with their voices — both body and instrument — and how technology mediates, informs, and even disrupts this connection.

latest news

Sep 2, 2024 🌿 Finishing up a restful summer and celebrating new pubs from the ACM DIS Conference in Copenhagen, DK, new XAI book chapter, and TOCHI article.
Mar 6, 2024 🏆 My PhD thesis, Imagining & Sensing, has been awarded the 2024 ACM SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award!
Feb 16, 2024 🧶 After a successful ACM TEI conference in Cork, IE, senSInt’s new music/eTextile projects are now online!
Dec 5, 2023 📚 New Pubs!: Chapter about Evaluating Media & Arts Tech in Springer Volume Creating Digitally & IEEE Computer Featured Article!
Nov 10, 2023 🌐 Finally got around to DNS configuration for - yay! Feels nice to have a custom domain.

recent publications

  1. Freire_NIME24_BodyLutherie.png
    Body Lutherie: Co-Designing a Wearable for Vocal Performance with a Changing Body
    Rachel Freire, and Courtney N. Reed
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sep 2024
  2. Reed_TOCHI_ShiftingAmbiguity.png
    Shifting Ambiguity, Collapsing Indeterminacy: Designing with Data as Baradian Apparatus
    Courtney N. Reed, Adan L. Benito, Franco Caspe, and 1 more author
    ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., Aug 2024
  3. Reed_DIS24_SonicEntanglements.png
    Sonic Entanglements with Electromyography: Between Bodies, Signals, and Representations
    Courtney N. Reed, Landon Morrison, Andrew P. McPherson, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Jul 2024